Reason #1: You Do Not Know How To Be A Mother
There are tons of books out there on parenting. And in all honestly, it can become very overwhelming trying to decide which opinion(s) you should follow.
With most first-time moms, no one prepares you for motherhood.
If you are one of the fortunate ones, you were blessed with a support system. Your team has been there to help you along the way while you figured this whole motherhood thing out. But if you are like most new mothers, your journey may have gone something like this:
- You got pregnant
- Now You wonder, “what the heck do I do now?!
- You give birth
- I guess your maternal instincts start to kick in
🤷🏾♀️ - Now everyone expects you to know what to do
But what does it mean to be a mother?
If you’re like me, you’ve probably looked up all sorts of words regarding motherhood, and one of those words might have been the word mother or motherhood. Obvious choices.
According to the Collins dictionary, the synonyms associated with the word “mother” are: give birth to, produce, bear, and bring forth. As well as nurture, raise, protect and tend.
So whether you care to admit it or not, you are now a mother, but your experience doesn’t have to be like the majority.
God wants you to have your own experience. One that doesn’t have to follow society’s path, but the path that God has already set before you to follow.
You can have a wonderful life being a mother, but it all starts with what you believe to be true for you.
Do you really want to see God’s plan for your life, or are you content with living life the way the world dictates.
Reason #2: You Keep Thinking About Your Pre-Motherhood Life
Who doesn’t miss the good old days??
- Going out whenever and wherever you wanted to
- Eating when and whatever you wanted
- Drinking whatever you wanted, when you wanted to (unless you had work the following workday)
- Not having to censor your choice of words
- Sleeping whenever you wanted (and if you weren’t working later, forget it, you were taking a sleepcation)
I mean, life was good and, the responsibilities weren’t as bad as we thought they were.
That is until now. You have a little one or ones, bless your heart, mother of multiples, to look after and, you all of a sudden have no sense of direction on what to do.
Let me let you in on a little secret, this is normal and is in no way the end of your life as you know it, but the reality of the situation is, the life you had before is no more. Things have changed. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You can either allow it to enhance you or deteriorate you. The choice, no matter how hard, is solely up to you.
You may want to get out a pen and grab some paper because if this is you, it’s imperative that you write down your goals for being a mom. What do you want to see happen?
Think about it and plan accordingly.
You got this, mama!
(Continue to page 3)